WHEN: 21-24 October 2022
WHERE: 442 Whenuahou Road, Takapau, Hawkes Bay
COST: koha (a deposit will secure your spot as spaces are limited)
QUESTIONS: kirtancollective108@gmail.com
If you didn't receive a confirmation email when you registered, you can read it here (it has all the information you need in order to arrive with everything you need).
Why go to Kirtan Camp?
If you have ever attended a kirtan, or ever been fed by a Hare Krishna, you will know that you are in for a real treat. Hosted by the Nurturing Soul Community Farm, and organised by the Kirtan Collective, this is a four day event not to be missed.
It is going to be a stunning few days of sacred chanting, with opportunities to learn and deepen into the heart opening practice of Kirtan.
While there will be plenty of space to deepen our connection with the Sacred, we will also create space to learn how to engage more with the kirtan itself. We will be supported by super experienced kirtan leaders, with separate workshops on offer for singing, harmonium, guitar and percussion; and the opportunity to form and practice and lead in a kirtan group. Participation in workshops is entirely voluntary; learning to nurture your Self is part of the program :-)
The Hare Krishna movement is famous for their bliss state kirtans and amazing food. This shall be no different. There will be amazing organic meals cooked with love over the open fire.
All kirtans are welcome. All denominations are welcome. All practices are welcome. All are welcome.
Come share in the great company of like-minded souls, and time spent in the simplicity of nature. A few days of wholesome kirtan, company, kai and Karma Yoga will reset your nervous system into an open-hearted connected state, that is your new normal!
How much does it cost?
The Nurturing Soul Community hosts these events on the loving generosity of koha (donation).
Partial or full koha payments can be made up front to help pay for the food.
Spaces are limited due to facilities so please consider making a deposit to secure your spot for this event. We suggest a deposit of $50 per person. The full payment amount is at your discretion.
How do I make a payment?
We prefer a bank transfer deposit, to secure your spot and to allow us to purchase food.
Bank transfers can be made to NURTURING SOUL 38 9012 0849088 00. Please reference your name(s) in the details field, and that it is for Kirtan Camp.
You are very welcome to make a cash donation or a bank transfer for the remainder of your koha at the end of the event.
What do I need to bring?
The event is being hosted on a living actual farm. You will need to bring your camping gear, such as:
tent (or equivalent)
head torch / lantern (there is no outside lighting)
gumboots (or equivalent)
warm clothing / change of clothes / rain gear (just in case) - Autumn weather is unpredictable
warm bedding such as sleeping bag / blankets (we do have limited mattresses if needed - please ask prior to arrival) and pillow
toiletries including your own towel / face cloth
bolster / cushion / camping chair for sitting
yoga mat (opt)
Water bottle(s)
solar fairy lights / lanterns for the barn if you have them
note book and pens if you want to take notes
In order to keep the costs down, please bring along healthy snack food to share (homemade baking/ bliss balls/ fruit/ veg/ crackers etc). If you have very specific food requirements, please ensure you bring food that you can eat. We will get you to label the shared food to fore-warn those with food sensitivities; specifically Peanuts and Gluten. Parents; please bring extra snacks for your kids :-)
What should I not bring?
The Kaupapa of the land is meat, drug, cigarette, vape and alcohol free. Please leave these at home :-)
What if I don't have a tent?
No problem. Bring along all your sleeping gear. There are people coming who can bring two tents, or have space in their tent. We have a dedicated Whatsapp group so that you can organise this amongst yourselves. Email kirtancollective108@gmail.com to get hooked up. (Ensure you add your self phone number when registering).
Are there car-pooling options?
Yes. We have a dedicated Whatsapp group so that you can organise this amongst yourselves. Email kirtancollective108@gmail.com to get hooked up.
Can I attend for just one or two days?
Yes of course. Please indicate which days you will be here when you register; this helps us to plan for meals. Please note, the $50 deposit is still the same, regardless of number of days you choose to stay.
Can I contribute to workshops or the program in any way?
This camp is a co-creation of everyone who turns up. From participating in Karma Yoga, to offering support, every gesture is welcome. If you have musical or kirtan experience and want to contribute to facilitating a workshop, you can let us know when you register. If you have a specific offering that you'd like to see worked into the schedule, get in touch with us now so that we can find space. We will do our best to include your offering, while also balancing the need for space and nourishment.
Is this a family-friendly event?
Yes kids are very welcome, but please be aware that you are accountable and responsible for your kids at all times. Kids are welcome to join in with the workshops, the kirtans and the karma yoga (food prep and dishes). They are welcome to free-range in and out of sessions, but please be aware this is a working farm, with farm hazards.
Do I need to be musical to attend?
Nop. Your voice, in whatever shape it is, is all that is needed. And a pair of hands for clapping is as basic as it gets, and all it needs to be. You will still be able to learn the energetics of the practice. And there are some cool exercises you can learn. For instance; try imagining / visualising your voice coming out of somebody else's mouth, and their voice coming out of your mouth. It might sound funny, but actually it's a great way to get your personality out of the way and to join in whole-heartedly.
Do I have to participate in all the workshops?
Participation in workshops is entirely voluntary; learning to nurture your Self is part of the program :-) There will be plenty of space to deepen our connection with the Sacred through chanting as a participant / responder - that in itself will amplify the kirtan experience for all.
What facilities does the Farm have?
The Nurturing Soul Community Farm is a living working farm, with farm animals, a few pet cows (all under International Cow Protection Law), tractors, a massive barn (where we will do the majority of our kirtans) and fire-pit. There are a couple of toilets and showers. Basic heated outdoor showering will be set up for traditional Indian-style showering (eg: face cloth and bucket). Yes, this is rustic. The photos at the bottom of this page are from the latest 24-hour Akhand Kirtan, held in the barn.
What is Karma Yoga?
Karma Yoga is the practice of yoga in action. In this instance, it will be in service of helping out on kirtan camp, such as food prep and dishes. Bringing Karma Yoga into the program allows for us to co-create the event, keep costs down for you, and for you to bring an attitude of awareness and mindfulness to every day tasks. It is a very empowering practice.
Karma Yoga will be done after meals, and before the next workshop. There will be a whiteboard of tasks that you can sign up for.
Cecilia will be the Karma Yogi in charge; she has an eye and heart for what needs to be done to co-create exactly what is needed.
Who is the Kirtan Collective?
We are a multi-dimensional, multi-denominational group of individuals who love the spiritual practice of devotional chanting, and we want more of that. Simple really. What our lineages all have in common is the Bhakti (devotional) practice of Kirtan.
Who is the Nurturing Soul Community?
This Farm was started up as a community for the express purpose of nurturing anyone who comes in contact with the Farm, at Cecilia and James' place in Takapau. The vision is to set up a self sustaining mutually supportive community growing organic food and supporting spiritual practices across the board.
All animals on the Farm are under Protection and have been rescued and given to the Farm. All milk is ahmisa (non violent) milk. This is paradigm shifting for vegans who may want to try our diary products.
The Nurturing Soul Community Farm;
21-24 OCTOBER 2022
Enquires: kirtancollective108@gmail.com
Steps for registering
Enquires: kirtancollective108@gmail.com